July 17, 2008

Whistle While You Work

So most people who know me ore my family know that the women of our family were not blessed with the best of whistling skills.  (though if you put us on a team together and something requiring whistling/humming is on the line we can pull it out!)  Anyway, as of late I've been really into whistling, and I'm always excited when someone can recognize the tune I'm whistling. . . Anyway to make a long story short, today I was whistling The Itisy Bitsy Spider and I asked Lauren what I was whistling, and she guessed it!!!  Leave it to a two year to recognize my whistling ability!!!!  


Grannie Annie said...

Whatever do you mean? I always thought our whistling was extra-ordinary!

Timbra said...

um, speak for yourself, i have some mad skills :) okay, i know what you mean, like bill and mike are able to actually change pitch when they whistle, we just hope people will get ours on pantameter alone

Anonymous said...

As soon as I read this, I started whistling Itsy Bitsy Spider. I have a simple mind...

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you girl,I have to suck in in order to whistle and I don't even know if you would call what comes out as whistling.

Let's have a whistling contest!

Timbra said...

haley, i come to your blog every day now (okay, i've always come by every day) because you are my gateway drug. . i mean blog. . . um, yeah! since you have the new post-it thing on the side. how do i get me one of them?! i saw it on amy myer's too. . but in some ways it takes all of the fun out of waiting those three seconds between punching the blog and seeing what post comes up and then going home again if there's nothing new :) it takes away the HOPE of something new!