April 24, 2012

Time to Re-Invent the Wheel

Ok, I've been seriously lacking in the blogging department for longer than any of us actually care to admit/or acknowledge!!  So I figure now that I'm married, moving, getting a new job, and basically starting this whole new life it's time to start fresh. I'm changing the blog up a bit and we're going with

"Recognize the Journey"
 (because I like my title too much to change it, and each day I need the reminder to recognize this journey God has me on)
musings of daily life and learning to be a military man's wife

My life is taking on/has taken on some major changes (no pun intended!) and I'd like to try and do a better job documenting all that's happening.  Plus, this will keep me busy on on those days where my husband is at work and I've nothing to do, you know, except clean the house and cook! (insert dramatic eye roll here!)


Timbra said...

i look forward to keeping up with your new married adventures through your blog (and personal phone conversations!!!) as your new life unfolds. . ."major" changes. . .teehee