July 31, 2007

It's Finished

I'm excited to say, though sad at the same time, that I have finished Harry Potter. I was in no rush to finish it because I knew I would be sad that it was the last book when I was done. I will however not give any opinion on the book because I know there are several people who have yet to read it, two in my family alone!! So the book I have been waiting for has finally come and gone, and now I'll have to find something else to entertain myself with, any suggestions?


Timbra said...

this is why i prolong the madness (for you and mike and myself) and don't read it right away, i don't have a back up and there's nowhere to go once potter 7 is read (until the next movie which is way too far away to even think about at the moment). things were too serious in my life the past few weeks to get involved, really involved in HP. so, thanks for keeping your opinions to yourself. i'll let you know as soon as i finish!