October 11, 2007

OK, Really?

So what's the deal with guys thinking it's cool to ride their street bikes or even motorcycles with a stuffed animal strapped on the back, I've seen it twice in the past week, and both time I thought; "Really" I don't know if they are doing it because they think it is cool and the ladies will love it, or if they have a lady who gave this this wonderful riding buddy, but either way . . . not so much. And today I saw a guys walking at school, very clear he rode to school on his street bike, with a huge fuzzy purple dice in front of his pocket, clearly a keychain, and I thought to myself; "Really"


Grannie Annie said...


Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Haha that's funny :) Maybe these guys are really in touch with their feminine sides, ha!

Cheesetown said...

Tag, your it! Check out my blog for details...

Timbra said...

haley, you always crack me up!