November 10, 2008

Things I've Secretly Always wanted

There are a few of those random things in life that I've secretly always wanted; and perhaps at some point or another they weren't really that much of a secret.  I've always wanted to dye my hair blue; which I just never got around to when I was young enough to pull it off; ie high school!  So this Halloween I was able to fulfill a few of those secret desires.  I bought some hair spray die in purple and sported the look on Halloween; granted the color turned out to be more subtle then  I would have liked and the whole process was messy and left my hair kind of nasty!  

But the second secret thing I've always wanted around the Halloween time of year is a pair of nasty fake  teeth.  Well this desire isn't something I often think about until I see someone else sporting the teeth and then I'm secretly jealous of their ownership of nasty fake teeth!  Well much to my surprise my niece sent me a little Halloween package that arrived a few days after Halloween and do you know what was inside? . . . 

Thanks Alani for fulfilling one of my secret desires! 


Grannie Annie said...

I'm sure David Hooper would have gave you his.

Timbra said...

that is SOOOO funny. funny looking and funny that you've always secretly wanted a pair of nasty fake teeth. . . . they are very accessible . . 4 pair for $1. . ha!!!! love the photos, cracking me up. i'm glad alani was able to help you fulfill a lifelong secret desire at such a young age

Haley said...

mom that's disgusting; I'd never wear someone else's nasty fake teeth!

taylorchloejake said...

So where's the purple hair! I want to see some photos! And those teeth pretty nice

Dax said...

oh come on, dax did his hair green in his late 20s some time... you should totally do it.
not the spray stuff tho, the good stuff.
and i did the ends of my super long hair like 4 years ago.
you know you want to!


Hey if Taylor comes out your way, I'll come see him and bring you a bunch of those teeth. There's about 5 pair in the toybox from one of the boys birthday parties. We just keep them around for company.


Su said...

When I was an aim student, I did a handful of little braids in my hair and dyed them all blue for area church. My assistants didn't notice until they realise all the little old ladies that I sat with on Sundays were giggling at me. Then they were mad. Hee!

Anyway, this comment is going to get kind of long. So I realised that I enjoy your comments so much, but have never actually been on your blog... so here I am! I will add you to my ever-lengthening blogroll even, so I will remember to come back when you update.

Congratulations on your fake teeth. I would say "they suit you" but, um, I don't think that would be a compliment. So, they look great for Halloween, or if you are doing a bad teeth skit or PSA or something. :)

Timbra said...

since you've been home all day and haven't posted anything yet, i feel i've given you ample opportunity and the posting will now commence. I'll take it slow :) but i don't know how long nancy can wait for a second reunion with "the boys."