For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words words await another voice.
-T.S. Eliot
I was just filing some pictures away on my computer when I realized that it was the last folder of pictures I'd be filing away under the 2008 category; funny really, a little strange and a little sad. I always feel a little sad when a year has come to a close; it's a mixture of looking back on all the year held and looking forward to what's ahead in the new year.
I was feeling a little nostalgic on Wednesday; with everything I did, I realized it was the last time I'd be doing that for 2008; the last load of laundry; the last book read; my last dessert creation; you know, all the everyday things that don't seem so big when your actually doing them.
hey; gotta give you something to look at ;)
2008 was an awesome year; I graduated College with my BA in Child Development; I got to go on many trips to and with my family; and of course spending lots and lots of time with my friends. I think I made my way to Washington four times, Utah twice; and made my first trip to Mexico!! I organized many a gatherings for our church college group, including a weekend retreat (with help of course)! There were of course a lot more amazing things that happened throughout the year but those are just a few highlights off the top of my head.
Of course every year has a few sad moments along the way. February 29th marked 4 years since my dad passed which was a particularly difficult time because there was actually a day to correspond with that memory (Leap Day). Several of my really good friends moved away and I finished up my work as nanny for the Polley family. And of course in July my hard-drive crashed (nothing was backed up) :( Sometimes the difficult parts of the year are the ones that grow us the most; make us stronger people and better people for having walked the path we walked.
I'm excited for 2009; I'm starting a new job in just a few days as nanny for a super cute little 4 month old; I'm branching out in faith to participate as a member of the church body in ways that will once again grow me. I'm excited because I know 2009 will bring some much needed change and steps of faith (on my part) in my life; and I think I'm finally ready for those challenges! Oh; and I'm super excited to see what knowledge my Left-Handers page-a-day calendar has to teach me ;)
Now for the part your all actually reading this for; resolutions!! I've come to realize over the past few years that resolutions mean a little something different to me then maybe they do to others. Instead of picking something random to accomplish this year that's always been on "the list;" I've come to realize the best way for me to make resolutions is to think of them as improvements on skills I already have. So say instead of my resolution being to lose weight; it's actually to go to the gym a little more often. Anyway here's the list
-Read a book a week (I love to read so this isn't really that difficult and I actually stared working on this a few weeks ago and managed to squeeze 4 books in between Thanksgiving and the end of the year.) I've also decided that within that I'll be reading a variety of books so any suggestions are welcome!
-Be more consistent at going to the gym; at least 3 (ideally 4 or 5) days a week on average; and take some yoga classes
-Save more money; and be a better steward of my money (I only have one more car payment!)
-Drink more water; (cut out soda except for special occasions!)
They are simple things really; and things I already have a decent foundation in; I just want to work in improving these skills! I'm sure there are more but that's all for now!
p.s. I'll probably be finishing the first book of 09' tonight!
I hope everyone can look back on 2008 with joy at the special moments you remember and look forward to 2009 with anticipation and renewed faith!
hi sister. . . i like this post, a good mix of nostalgia and looking ahead. i haven't really made any resolutions. . . . but more yoga, like daily yoga and actually doing daily yoga would be a wonderment!!! i cleaned the living room all up yesterday so the ability to get my mat out is WAAAAY huger now :) love ya. . . . hope to see you SOOOOON!!!
That is a beautiful picture...looks like some place warm and sunny. And, what are those yummy treats. Thanks for sharing your insights about life, faith, the past, present and future.
Great resolutions! I especially like the instead of loosing weight going to the gym more! God bless you as you try keep them :)
And by the way, I am totally impressed that you have only one car payment left. That is a monumental feat! And, an additional kudo that you are not looking to get a new vehicle. Your's is awesome!
Alani saw these cupcakes tonight and said "i want cookies" I told her that her auntie made them and that translated into. . . grannie can make me cookies, when is she coming? she can make me cookies! she's very impressionable lately, saturday she saw pizza on a walmart commercial. . ."i want pizza" tonight she saw a kfc commercial "i want a burger" (we don't even eat burgers, or at least have never gotten her a burger from fast food and there weren't even burgers on the ad), i went to the "young family blog" she saw the dollhouse. . . "i want to play with that toy. . .this is why they advertise to kids. . .STOP ADVERTISING your delicious cupcakes aka cookies :) to my toddler :p
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