March 12, 2011


As I sit here icing my foot in preparation for tomorrow's half marathon I can't help but shake my head in disbelief at what I'm about to do tomorrow and how less then a year ago it wasn't even a thought that would have crossed my mind.

I got up this morning; threw on some clothes that I never would have worn before because I didn't feel comfortable in my own body (not to mention that I did it without showering which is something else I never would have skipped before heading out ;) and drove down town to pick up my race packet for my first half marathon tomorrow . . . something I never would have thought possible a year ago. I was struck by how much I've changed and not just in a physical sense but mentally. I've always wanted to "learn to run" and even when I finally did I didn't think I'd ever be running 13.1 miles! I say I only want to do it once and I say I can't wait to get it over with (which I can't) but I know myself too well and I know I'll be doing it again. I'm one of those people who can't do her best; there's always something better I could have done so I'll have to do it again. I can tell you right now that as crazy as it seems to me that I'm going to be running a half marathon tomorrow as soon as I finish I'll still feel like it's not that big of an accomplishment and I can to do more; run further or faster or something . . .

I've always been that kind of person; the kind where my best can still be better, but so much of that in the past was wrapped up in my insecurities about who I was and what I had to offer other people. In the past year I've learned (and still am) that while I feel like my best can always be better it's not in relation to other people but in relation to me. I know I can do better and I want to do better; to prove that to myself and not to anyone else. This journey isn't about how I feel about myself based on what others think of me but simply about how I feel about myself.

With each goal I accomplish I'm making myself a more confident person in who I am and what I have to offer myself; each task is a stepping stone to the ultimate me, and I'm realizing along the way that possibilities truly are endless. If you'd told me last year that in less than a year I'd: be 60lbs lighter; a boxer, and a runner (among many other things!), I wouldn't have believed you . . . there's no telling what I can do next!!

Today I'm excited and confident that tomorrow I'm going to run a half marathon and when I cross the finish line I'll enjoy my simple victory, enjoy my tasty mexican food (yeah I'm so going off "program" for the day), probably contemplate running a full one; and then I'll move on to the next thing that I want to accomplish this year . . . pull-ups!!!


Ken Perry said...

Very, very happy for your achievement and so proud of you. Run with the wind tomorrow!!

Timbra said...

sister. . . . you have always been someone i look up to, even if you came along four years later :) you are beautiful and magnificent. the other day as we were about to head to bed alani came to me, with tears in her eyes, "Did we miss it? Auntie Haley's big race? Did she win?" You have two sweet girls who love you more than anything and think the world of you. . . runner or not. . . you are their bestest auntie and you have EVERYTHING to offer to them as an example of beauty, determination, discipline, dedication and love. . . we love you so much and wish we could be there to cheer you from the sidelines. . .i'd even risk laryngitis on your behalf. . .i've done it once :)

THE BELLS said...

I am SOOO excited for you. Saw Tim's post and had to make a comment wishing you the best. I ran my first half last year and it seriously feels like one of the greatest accomplishments in my life. I hope you are SO proud of yourself. You ROCK!

vikas said...

Hi Haley liked your attitude towards life,achievement,success, three of which make journey of recognition. We run and fall and compare ourselves with others.. And it is here that we stumble. I loved your statement that you feel you could have done better than your best. May i give you a suggestion you can write personality development books. Nice to read you!

blair said...

Hi I love your blog, glad I found it :) Check out and please participate if you have time!! Spread the word :)